- First Light Natural Health New Zealand Emotional Flower Remedies
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- Chakra Balance Support Flower Essence (Harmony & Balance)
Chakra Balance Support Flower Essence (Harmony & Balance)
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® therapy is the highest frequency nature-based vibrational medicine system available. It is distinctive as it can address the many underlying energetic root causes of the numerous issues people experience today, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
The pristine light of each new dawn falls first on the sacred land of New Zealand, the land of the ever shining light. This land of breath-taking beauty is home to a remarkable collection of plants that have the power to help you change your world from the inside out.
A powerful yet gentle means of transformation First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are emotional and spiritual vibrational remedies to support holistic wellbeing and to gently restore balance and harmony.
May these flower essences resonate with you at all levels of your being – body, mind, heart and spirit. May you experience the power, magic, beauty and wonder of the plant spirits of New Zealand and may you hear their ‘healing song’ with your heart when they call you on your journey to self-transformation and holistic wellbeing.
Negative condition: Feeling out of balance, disconnected, no clear direction, instability
Positive outcome: Stability, balance, sense of purpose, connection
An emotionally balancing flower essence blend to support the chakras – the energy centres of the body. Supports emotional stability and a natural sense of inner strength and wellbeing. Use when feeling out of balance or disconnected from the world around you. Use daily to support the optimal functioning of the chakras and the building of the foundations necessary for a healthy and successful life.
Made in New Zealand
Size: 20ml Oral Dropper Bottle. It can take up to two months to establish energetic alignment and changes within the holistic being, we recommend taking the flower essences for at least two months.
- Lacking direction and feeling uncertain about life choices
- Feeling ungrounded, out of balance, unsupported
- Reacting instead of responding to life situations
- Unable to stay in the present moment
- Living an unbalanced lifestyle
- Feeling afraid of standing out or standing up for yourself
- Not trusting your own inner guidance
- Having a balanced outlook on life, feeling grounded, connected and in control
- Feeling a sense of stability, direction and purpose
- Building the right foundations for a successful, harmonious life
- Tapping into your own wisdom and resources to set and achieve goals
- Feeling strong and supported in everyday life
How to Use: Easy to use 20ml oral drops. Place 2-4 drops directly under the tongue.
Adult: Repeat 3-4 times daily. Child: Repeat 2-3 times daily.
Can be taken more frequently if desired and for as long as required.
Alternatively add 8 drops to a bottle of water and drink throughout the day.
For maximum benefit, once the bottle is opened, continue taking until finished.
First Light Natural Health® flower essence blends are sustainably made in total cooperation with nature and contain only natural ingredients. - 100% natural
- Animal and plant cruelty free
- Free from fragrances, petrochemicals, parabens and other additives
- Carefully made in New Zealand with New Zealand native plants
Contains: alkaline mineral water, ethanol (alcohol as a natural preservative), aqueous botanical infusions of Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides), Matai (Prumnopitys taxifolia), Totara (Podocarpus totara), Kauri (Agathis australis), Maire (Nestegis cunninghamii), Miro (Prumnopitys ferruginea) and Rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum).
First Light Natural Health® Chakra Balance Support® is made with award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®:
No 44 Kahikatea - Structure
Supports inner strength and stability. Supports you to feel comfortable in your own body. Supports you to stand tall, engage confidently with life, create structures to bring dreams and visions into reality and establish the foundations for a successful life.
No 45 Matai - Fluidity
Supports the ability to relax and enjoy life. Supports balanced emotional responses. Supports you to tap into your own reservoir of emotional strength. Supports you to feel emotionally strong and fulfilled and be able to nurture yourself and others.
No 46 Totara - Inner Power
Supports inner resolution, strength and seeing life as an empowering experience. Supports you to establish a positive self-image and healthy self-esteem. Supports a sense of true individuality and the balancing of personal will with wisdom.
No 47 Kauri - Beauty
Supports the capacity to give and receive love. Supports heart-centred relating, empathy and openness. Supports you to know when to be available for others and when to switch off. Supports the expression of your true self in daily living.
No 48 Maire - Healing
Supports creative self-expression, communication, creativity and good timing. Supports natural self-expression and your ability to tap into, harness, direct and express the creative flow. Supports your ability to take responsibility for your own needs and to speak and hear the truth.
No 49 Miro - Intuition
Supports the intuitive abilities and intuitive wisdom. Supports imagination, visualisation and the ability to envision a future. Supports you to expand your awareness, discover your ideals and stay true to them.
No 50 Rimu - Connection
Supports establishing and maintaining a connection to your higher self. Supports you to gain a higher view and broader understanding of life situations. Supports your ability to trust your own inner guidance and stay true to your own direction and purpose.